This is a short script on trolling the trolls, anti-trolling and general all round confusion and baiting.
General storyline:
You are about to read an excerpt taken from The Tuskers Public Channel - a meeting place for all different kinds of spacefarer, from the elite pvp gods to the inbetweeners, the wannabes and the (usually) awestruck newbs looking for a helping hand.
The strings are being pulled over in Rifter Drifter channel. Wensley's new alt Baltasar is looking for a helping hand onto the pvp ladder and piracy is something that interests him greatly. One of EVE's self-proclaimed greatest trollers Proxyyyy is going to be the target subject. Previously, in Rifter Drifter channel, Toadzilla turns a trolling attempt by Baltasar into an anti-troll as he goes along with the gag to recover what looked like a steamroll move by Baltasar/Wensley. However, over in Tuskers Public things are about to get interesting . . . . .
The cast.
Wensley as himself. [String puller]
Raxip Elamp as himself. [Troll, Defensive]
Miura Bull as himself. [Troll, Offensive]
Baltasar Kyros played by Wensley. [Newb-Troll]
Proxyyyy as himself. [Famous forum-troll]
Toadzilla as himself. [Confused blame-taker]
All other members of the channel - as themselves.
And so we begin . . . .
< entering The Tuskers Public Channel >
Baltasar Kyros > hello tuskers. toadzilla told me you guys are good people to ask about learning to be a pirate.
Miura Bull > hello Baltasar Kyros
zombiedeadhead > This is a mission channel?
Ronan Jacques > hiya Balt
Raxip Elamp > Sup Balt
Baltasar Kyros > this is a mission channel?
ItsmeHcK1 > yes it is
Baltasar Kyros > oh, am i in the wrong place
Nomad Storm > no
Grohalmatar > yes, toady has lied
Baltasar Kyros > ?
Miura Bull > some of the guys in here practice piracy
Raxip Elamp > C this is for HARDCORE MISSIONERS
Ronan Jacques > /emote rolls eyes
Grohalmatar > toady is a p terrible troll
< first assumption, Grohal >
Nomad Storm > idk why they are takling about missions
zombiedeadhead > Can someone help me kill Dagan?
ItsmeHcK1 > no
Baltasar Kyros > so you can help me get started in pvp?
Baltasar Kyros > i read the rifter guide but that doesn't seem right for punishers
ItsmeHcK1 > Never could kill anything, tbh. :(
Grohalmatar > ask away, just don't listen to anything proxy tells you
Raxip Elamp > tbh get a dozen cheaply fitted Rifters, lose them all
J'Ribs > there is a punisher guide out there
Baltasar Kyros > i can't fly rifters
Baltasar Kyros > i want the nice shiny gold punisher
Raxip Elamp > Learn.
ItsmeHcK1 > Better start training. :P
Baltasar Kyros > it looks like spaceships should look
Proxyyyy > Then fly it balt
Proxyyyy > Dont listen^
Proxyyyy >
Nomad Storm > punishers arnt terrible
Proxyyyy > cl!de^
Proxyyyy > = (
Raxip Elamp > God I hate ucma.
Tsubutai > ccc
Baltasar Kyros > there are no punishers on that link :(
Baltasar Kyros > do you fly punishers proxxxxxxxyyy?
Xuthi > balt
Xuthi > check this guide out too its good
Xuthi >
Xuthi > if you aint already
Grohalmatar > punishers are fine, rifters are just easier, but the trick is buy a bunch, fly cheap, and learn the mechanics of piracy, learn what you can engage, how to scan etc. you just have to get out and do it
Proxyyyy > Back in the day yeah
Proxyyyy > and recently yes
Baltasar Kyros > thanks xuthi, i will do
J'Ribs > Punisher Guide:
Baltasar Kyros > oh wow, thanks man
Baltasar Kyros > i am going to kill lots of rifters and prove the amarr are better
Sainsbury > ./o\
Baltasar Kyros > VICTOR AMARR
Raxip Elamp > Okay Balt 1v1
Raxip Elamp > I'll even fit only t1
Suzu Fujibayashi > but don't look at the punisher fit with electron blaster
Proxyyyy > Love balta tbh
Baltasar Kyros > i will kill you raxip
Miura Bull > if you do go for the rifter balt try to aim for something like this for mad deeps pvp
Proxyyyy > lol
Baltasar Kyros > i have made a punisher just for you
Miura Bull > a good starter rifter that maybe you could transmit over to the puni?
Raxip Elamp > Hee hee hee Eeeeexcellent
Proxyyyy > Baltasar Kyros i think you should chat with Sassy B about some punisher love
Proxyyyy > Has good insight into z ship
Baltasar Kyros > Baltasar Kyros' Punisher
< Balt links a hideous Punisher complete with Gyro >
ItsmeHcK1 > Remember what Grohal said, Balt.
Baltasar Kyros > this is my ship to kill raxip
ItsmeHcK1 > Never listen to Proxy.
Raxip Elamp > OH SHIT GUYS
Raxip Elamp > I'm fucked
ItsmeHcK1 > Not sure if serious.jpg. :(
Miura Bull > oh balt
Grohalmatar > ummm gyro . . .
Nomad Storm > no way thats serious
Proxyyyy > lol love this dude
Baltasar Kyros > what's wrong?
Miura Bull > it's not a bad fit I suppose
Baltasar Kyros > i made sure it is all lasers
Xuthi > need a point :)
ItsmeHcK1 > If you just change the highs..
ItsmeHcK1 > And the lows.
Baltasar Kyros > becausre they told me not to mix weapons
ItsmeHcK1 > And the meds.
ItsmeHcK1 > You might have a good fit.
Grohalmatar > read the punisher guide balt
Xuthi > you need a warp scrambler , take out the web in the mid
Miura Bull > mate - - don't listen to them they are trying to mess your fit up
Xuthi > for a start
Miura Bull > so they don't have to fight you see
Xuthi > :)
Xuthi > without a scram your target can just warp off balt. every pvp ship needs one, pretty much required if you want to solo in it
Miura Bull > Xuthi would you 1 v 1 that?
Baltasar Kyros > miura, io think you are being mean
Raxip Elamp > Miura you're a terrible troll.
Xuthi > no id run like a little gurl ;P
Miura Bull > hey I'm not trolling
Xuthi > :D
Proxyyyy > Balt, just try it out
Proxyyyy > Also, i think ur a toady troll
< tee-hee >
Miura Bull > he means you are green and ugly
Miura Bull > ignore him he is being bad
Raxip Elamp > Miura stop trolling the newb
Miura Bull > this some kind of witch hunt?
Miura Bull > poor guy leave him alone guys
Baltasar Kyros > what is happening? what have i done?
ItsmeHcK1 > :P
Raxip Elamp > Nothing but what comes natural to a newblet
ItsmeHcK1 > You've unleashed the trolls.
Xuthi > lol
Nomad Storm > but dont the trolls live there too
Miura Bull > they live under the bridges
Baltasar Kyros > this place is odd
Baltasar Kyros > you guys are wierd
Xuthi > haha
Raxip Elamp > Pirates, man. We're all a bunch of wierdoes.
Baltasar Kyros > but better than my starter corp
Proxyyyy > Ob toady
< proxyyyy accuses Toady once again >
Grohalmatar > toady, do you think you could train for drakes or canes on this new character so we can actually do something useful together?
< and again grohal >
Miura Bull > you should ask Wensley about punisher's . . that kid grew up in one over in Amamake
Raxip Elamp > YEs
Nomad Storm > i thought he was a rifter fanboi
Wensley > i did what now?
Raxip Elamp > Wens is a puni expert
Miura Bull > nah man
Raxip Elamp > Miura you tard
Miura Bull > this channel is full of hurt
Miura Bull > new guy comes in here wanting some advice and you rip him to pieces
Raxip Elamp > And you just troll him the whole time
Miura Bull > me the troll?!?
Proxyyyy > = /
Miura Bull > that's harsh
Proxyyyy > U do know he's toady right?
Proxyyyy > Toadzilla = this dude
< get in there son! >
Miura Bull > No he's not
Miura Bull > don't listen to him Balt
Baltasar Kyros > toady has been helping me
Baltasar Kyros > i am not toady
Proxyyyy > k
Miura Bull > hang in there buddy
Wensley > eh speaks the truth. toady has been helping him
ItsmeHcK1 > I do not believe.
Nomad Storm > probably been talking to himself
Wensley > rifter drifter has scrolled up too far but miura and raxip can vouch
Miura Bull > :)
Wensley > there's no need to be mean to the little nublet
ItsmeHcK1 > :P
Baltasar Kyros > thanks wensley. don't call me a nublet though!
Miura Bull > LMOL
Nomad Storm > i might have to fit a punisher now
Raxip Elamp > C Toady was giving him lots of help
Baltasar Kyros > so how should i fit it? and how do i stop people runniong way
Sassy B > LAZOR PUNISHER BEST PUNISHER wat u lookin at
Baltasar Kyros > toady said a scram would be enough but the rifter guide says otherwise :(
Proxyyyy > thnk u sasa
Proxyyyy > gank punisher ftw
Proxyyyy > let the real newbs figure out the rest
Miura Bull > cold gas and heat a good mix?
Raxip Elamp > Hey Sassy just want to say before I log soonish that I'm a huge fan of you and Lady S.
Proxyyyy > btw Sassy B 3 bs's taking down a offline pos in Egmar Solar System
Proxyyyy > Or something
Proxyyyy > guns dont seem to be firing
Baltasar Kyros > toady said i should use scorch s
Baltasar Kyros > but it says "has fairly low damage potential, low tracking and is of limited use against heavily armored targets"
Baltasar Kyros > that can't be good, surely
Baltasar Kyros > can i only shoot shield ships? :(
Sassy B > yes it is purpal laser and the second best laser. imperial navy multifrequency is WHITE LASER and the best laser.
Sassy B > lasers are best at shields but can shoot all ships
Raxip Elamp > lol
Proxyyyy > Can out damage the rifter at range and close range it can out tank
Proxyyyy > either shield or armor fits tbh
Sassy B > no at close range it can be outtracked and die going :((((
Sassy B > i have been on both sides of this equation
Proxyyyy > because u arent using gats = /
Raxip Elamp > I've only been on one side :D
Sassy B > tracking is still rubbish with autos
Sassy B > compared to rifter
Proxyyyy > bonus unbonus
Yahrr > try using blasters with void XDeven after the 'fix'
Baltasar Kyros > so the rifter is just generally better?
Sassy B > yes
Baltasar Kyros > should i train that instead?
Proxyyyy > Overall
Baltasar Kyros > punishers look so cool
Sassy B > i love punishers, but rifter is plain better
J'Ribs > Baltasar:
J'Ribs > go to eve kills
Miura Bull > you could have the best of both worlds and fly the laser rifter
J'Ribs > and see how many rifters end up on killmails. and how many punishers do.
Proxyyyy > I have killed rifters with my own gank punisher but only coz am mad elite
J'Ribs > it's 15-1 in rifters favor
Proxyyyy > but also lost twice because of nuets
Proxyyyy > had no nos
Baltasar Kyros > how does the gank punisher work?
Proxyyyy > Shield and armor ritfers**
Sassy B > its not that ganky
PhantomDan > whats the difference between nos and neut again?
Yahrr > and ccp hammer himself is a fan of rifters, so it wont be nerfed any time soon
Proxyyyy > gank pun does 115 at close range
Nomad Storm > why would they nerf them lol
Proxyyyy > 100 with scorch
Miura Bull > mad deeps
Sassy B > i dunno i prophesise an AC nerf
Wensley > how can you not be a fan of rifters
Proxyyyy > Just a good mix of tank and damage
Proxyyyy > lacks fully tackle
Yahrr > because its the only t1 frig that is in use atm? I would prefer that they boost the rest, but effort-wise a nerf is easier
Wensley > ccp hammer knows his shit
Sassy B > nah tristan is way awesome now
Yahrr > in eve its rifter-vs-rifter-vs-dramiel-vs-rifter-vs-dramiel
Nomad Storm > + drake
Wensley > sassy speaks the truth
Nomad Storm > x1000
Miura Bull > until balt steps into the field with his puni
Wensley > rifter and dram are so popular for their speed
Wensley > minmatar will always be the skirmish ship of choiuce
Proxyyyy > merlin and rifter r p much in their own league
Baltasar Kyros > hmmmm
Sassy B > train for what you think is awesome
Baltasar Kyros > so i should just go and fly around and load purple ammo?
Sassy B > dont worry about whats best
Grohalmatar > and white ammo, and listen to sassy
Yahrr > purple ammo?
Yahrr > ohh lasers...
Miura Bull > the green ammo is actually the best balt
Sassy B > green is p cool now actually
Grohalmatar > has anybody tried conflag in medium turrets yet?
Yahrr > sulei has
Miura Bull > especially flying with a mottled red backdrop of a burning amarrian sky
Nomad Storm > i used to use them before too
Yahrr > and his tracking failed
Proxyyyy > conflag and hail worked before when shooting other cruisers and bc's
Proxyyyy > only realy never worked on the frig level
Proxyyyy > speed sig and what not
Baltasar Kyros > the augror looks cool. i want to fly like that
Proxyyyy > Toady u r p bored arent you?
< ha! >
Sassy B > i had an augror battleboat once it was rubbish :(
Sassy B > died to an ecm burst rupture
Grohalmatar > lol
Wensley > is today even online still?
< the trolls realise toady has logged off >
Proxyyyy > he logged 5 - 10 min ago
Proxyyyy > or his main did
Miura Bull > Balt the augoror is an excellent choice
Baltasar Kyros > tormentor looks like a fishing hook
Nomad Storm > for dieing in a fire
Baltasar Kyros > why is augoror so bad? it looks well har
Baltasar Kyros > *hard
Nomad Storm > you shoulda seen the old one
Miura Bull > it is kind of l33t
J'Ribs > I made a LOT salvaging in my tormentor back in the day
Baltasar Kyros > old one? it changed
Miura Bull > they had to nerf it
Miura Bull > it was mad deeps
Miura Bull > now it is semi mad deeps brosef
Baltasar Kyros > deeps?
Proxyyyy > Word sule stole from me
Baltasar Kyros > like vertical like myrmidon? they are sexy
Proxyyyy > DPS toady
Proxyyyy > U r p fail
Miura Bull > Deeps is short for deep heat overload system
Miura Bull > s
Baltasar Kyros > I AM NOT TOADY
Baltasar Kyros > stop it
Baltasar Kyros > i just want to know how to be a pirate
Proxyyyy > So your not coming on a roam with me and sam tonight?
Wensley > who is sam?
< does anybody notice the possible slip up by Wens? >
J'Ribs > Balt: YUou have to read, and fly.... and lose
Miura Bull > :D
Sassy B > exploding is totally the best way to learn, it makes stuff stick in your head
< nobody noticed! >
Proxyyyy > aye
Baltasar Kyros > like blood and guts
Baltasar Kyros > one day i will get really good and i will hunt you down proxsxxxy and kill you a million times for calling me a toad
Sassy B > i learnt that recon ships were not just big covops by warping a t1 gun rifter at a pilgrim
Proxyyyy > its p easy to do
Proxyyyy > i die alot
Baltasar Kyros > is it because you fall asleep on your keyboard like when you were typing your name
Miura Bull > lol
Proxyyyy > lol
Proxyyyy > u so cute TOADY!
< oh dear >
Proxyyyy > gfgfgfgf
Grohalmatar > 6/10 honestly, could have laid more groundwork, but it has been entertaining
Baltasar Kyros > Proxyyyy gfgfgfgf
Baltasar Kyros > you what now?
Miura Bull > Avan Sercedos is a good pilot
Grohalmatar > ^^^^^^^
Wensley > [23:02:28] Miura Bull Avan Sercedos is a good pilot
[Miura Bull > where is he?
Proxyyyy > Avan rage quite eve
Baltasar Kyros > where do i find him?
Miura Bull > we want him back in eve now
Miura Bull > USA he lives on a boat out there
Proxyyyy > He logs on from time to time to change skills
Baltasar Kyros > why are you telling me this if he left?
Miura Bull > cos he'll be back
Baltasar Kyros > soon?
Miura Bull > give him a few hours
Miura Bull > add him to address book and wait for him to log on
Miura Bull > he will go green in the corner of your screen
Baltasar Kyros > i have to go to bed soon. its my turn to run the kids into school tomorrow
Miura Bull > when he does this . . grab him for convo chat
Miura Bull > oh ok balty
< An unsuspecting Toady logs back on >
Proxyyyy > Hey look! Its Toadzilla
Miura Bull > hi Toadzilla
Baltasar Kyros > so if i want to be a pirate like you who do i talk to? is prozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy in charge?
Proxyyyy > charge of what?
Baltasar Kyros > this channel
Miura Bull > he runs this channel yeah
Toadzilla > o/
Proxyyyy > Toadzilla i swear to gawd u r so annoying = /
Miura Bull > he is chief moderator i think, he formed the tuskers back in the day
Toadzilla > :\ ??
Proxyyyy > Suleiman Shouaa have you read the recent chapter of claymore?
Wensley > toady, the keep saying i'm you and won't help me. i thought you said the tuskers were good for beginners
< A deliberate mistake by Wensley, surely now Proxyyy will be wise to our little game >
Grohalmatar > woops :)
Miura Bull > ignore them balt
ItsmeHcK1 > lol
Nomad Storm > wow
Miura Bull > don't listen to what they are about to say
Baltasar Kyros > so is proxxxxy in charge?
Miura Bull > yes he is
Toadzilla > what's going on?
Baltasar Kyros > miura, i think your surname is good because you are full of it
Proxyyyy > Me thinking of ways to cut u toady
< nope none the wiser >
Miura Bull > how dare you
Miura Bull > OH MY GOD
Toadzilla > why would you cut me?
zombiedeadhead > thats a rl threat, babbable
zombiedeadhead > bannable*
zombiedeadhead > Reprted
Sassy B > lol babbable
Proxyyyy > ROFL nice one zombie
Miura Bull > zombie
zombiedeadhead > Dont
Proxyyyy > Hmm, might go get some fish n chips
Miura Bull > prox
Miura Bull > do you have real fish and chip shops over there?
Proxyyyy > Yeep
Baltasar Kyros > fish and chips will maek you fat, prox
Miura Bull > awesome
zombiedeadhead > proxyyy is a very fat man
Baltasar Kyros > well, unless you are already fat, in which case it will make yuo super fat
zombiedeadhead > he works in KFC
zombiedeadhead > and eats pizza
Miura Bull > pics or it never happeneed
Toadzilla > proxy's bio used to say he was like 110kg
Toadzilla > that's pretty fat
Baltasar Kyros > why does he not just eat chicken?
zombiedeadhead > And he has not had sex since he started to Pvp
Toadzilla > I guess he's tired of eating chicken what with working at a kfc
Baltasar Kyros > penis vs pussy?
Wensley > he he
zombiedeadhead > Ah, maybe I should tell you about his crotch problem
zombiedeadhead > Proxyyyy how is your mom these days?
Proxyyyy > lol
zombiedeadhead > Hae you shown her anything interesting layely?
Proxyyyy > Nope
Proxyyyy > Havent been talking to her tbh
Baltasar Kyros > braaaaaaaaaaaaaaainz
zombiedeadhead > Im not surprised tbh
Proxyyyy > Yeep
Baltasar Kyros > doesn't she come downstairs to do your laundry and make you tidy the room?
Grohalmatar > did you ever get arrested for punching that chick proxy?
zombiedeadhead > After you showed her your crotch rot
Proxyyyy > Nope
zombiedeadhead > Has it cleared up yet Proxyyyy?
Proxyyyy > yeeep
zombiedeadhead > Cool, the smell must have been nasty, glad its gone
Jin EnTonik > is that adding insult to injury or attempting a cover-up?
Suleiman Shouaa > Heard about your vaga zombie
Proxyyyy > Ye, i was realy scared back then zombie
sprocket13 > any of you fine pirates in sing liason region?
zombiedeadhead > I remember man, you were in a bad way
zombiedeadhead > glad youw were sensible and showed it to your mother
Suleiman Shouaa > We're fairly close by, why?
zombiedeadhead > Thats totally what I would have done
Baltasar Kyros > i am bored of you now. logging my main off.
sprocket13 > looking for a price check on a mac
Miura Bull > lol balt
Proxyyyy > Sometimes you gotta man up zombie
zombiedeadhead > Yep
Suleiman Shouaa > We don't support apple/mcdonalds
Proxyyyy > Show your mom your cock
Proxyyyy > you knwo what im saying?
Baltasar Kyros >
Baltasar Kyros > can someone link all those punisher fits again? i want to save them for reals
Baltasar Kyros > forgot the first time around
Toadzilla > Punisher - Lsers
Miura Bull > you should use the one you have now tbh
Baltasar Kyros > thankee
Baltasar Kyros > wher ebe this gank one that mr important proxxxxy linked?
Sassy B > i reckon you should ditch the plate and fit a heatsink
Baltasar Kyros > maek link pls sassy
Sassy B > wat u lookin at is t2 fit tho
Baltasar Kyros > and where's my banner? :P
< another deliberate mistake thrown in, Sassy gets wise >
Miura Bull > :p
Sassy B > wrong account :P
Baltasar Kyros > :P
Baltasar Kyros > Any other good amarr frigate fits worth a play?
Baltasar Kyros > how's the malediction post rocket boost?
Sassy B > girl sum bitch ykno
Baltasar Kyros > oooh, i like
Miura Bull > sick
Baltasar Kyros > is proxy sulking since his fight with zombie?
Proxyyyy > I dont fight with zombie
Proxyyyy > We love each other to much
Miura Bull > these are proper gank boats
Baltasar Kyros > ronan, are you still rolling comedy amarr?
Miura Bull > and cool names too :)
Baltasar Kyros > top notch naming
Sassy B > tyty
Proxyyyy > lol
Baltasar Kyros > i wish rylack was still around
Baltasar Kyros > :(
Grohalmatar > he was on yesterday actually
Toadzilla > rylack was the best
Toadzilla > wat
Miura Bull > rylack
Baltasar Kyros > i see him around sometimes
Grohalmatar > not in a corp currently
Miura Bull > he was awesome
Toadzilla > rylack needs to be in rifter drifter
Miura Bull > Rylack started a punisher guide didn't he?
Baltasar Kyros > yeah
Phil Alex >
Baltasar Kyros > he does actually, i'll invite him
Appelle Tini > yay rylack~! really?
Appelle Tini > aw thought he was here, psh
Baltasar Kyros > "4-2-4 slot configuration (compared to the Rifter and Tristan’s 4-3-3 and the Merlin’s 4-4-2"
Baltasar Kyros > sounds like football :)
Sassy B > noone ever beleives me when i say punisher is best without plate :(
Baltasar Kyros > i do sassy.
Baltasar Kyros > i have never flown the damn thing so actually do want fits/advice
Suleiman Shouaa > Its too slow with a plate
Sassy B > ^^ thats the thing
Baltasar Kyros > sulei, you must have some good amarr fits
Proxyyyy > I also dont sass
Proxyyyy > believe u
Miura Bull > Sulei wrote a blog post on the punisher
Baltasar Kyros > sulei wrote a blog post about how he is a rich bastard.
Baltasar Kyros > it was full of useful content
Baltasar Kyros > he's gone now
Baltasar Kyros > :(
Miura Bull > but does he havea fine art collection? :p
Baltasar Kyros > i'm sure i once saw a vengeance that could tank sentries
Miura Bull > that's the dual rep mongoose
Baltasar Kyros > so you still need a web to make rockets worth a damn?
Sassy B > dual rep veng is only good if you consider your opponent running away to be a win
Miura Bull > that's how you win eve right?
Baltasar Kyros > it is in the north
Miura Bull > lol
Baltasar Kyros > as you will learn
Miura Bull > drop blob, half die, run away
Baltasar Kyros > man the south is DULL DULL DULL today
Baltasar Kyros > the north is like russia
Miura Bull > cold and full of drunks?
Toadzilla > is NC blue with test/goons?
Baltasar Kyros > the proper NC?
Baltasar Kyros > or the trolling NC.?
Toadzilla > idk man the one in the north
Baltasar Kyros > yes, then
Baltasar Kyros > miss sassy, what is you feeling on buffer vs active tanks on punishers?
Sassy B > if you put a plate on a punisher you're saying goodbye to any possible chance of holding your opponent in the fight
Baltasar Kyros > kk
Latronicus > unless its a noob cruiser
Latronicus > or bc
Sassy B > your also quite likely making it p obvious they're not gonna win by the fact that only a tiny sliver of red is appearing on your armor when they shoot you
Sassy B > for big ships your best off without plate to keep speed up
Baltasar Kyros > makes sense
Baltasar Kyros > bearing in mind i think the ishlur is an absolute brick
Proxyyyy > U going to esplode ^
Sassy B > why? it has the same ehp with no plate as a 200mm plate rifter
Sassy B > and way better rep
Baltasar Kyros > handling wise
Baltasar Kyros > i know it tanks better, it just feels like a wahle
Sassy B > i was talkin to proxyyy :)
Proxyyyy > toady is just bad
< muhahaha >
Baltasar Kyros > bearing in mind i compare verything to rifters
Proxyyyy > Not realy commenting on what u said sas
Sassy B > lol prox
Baltasar Kyros > mate, i am not toady alt
Proxyyyy > we dont disagree on much
Sassy B > <3 Miura Bull > this is amazing
Toadzilla > wtf I didn't even say anything
Baltasar Kyros > i think toady is just bemused
Appelle Tini > ur alts r evrywere
Baltasar Kyros > i only have one main and two alts
Grohalmatar > too many alts, ive got a headache
Baltasar Kyros > and both alts are in here
Miura Bull > :)
Baltasar Kyros > well, they are now she's logged in
Baltasar Kyros > buy me stuff in jita, woman!
Toadzilla > proxy did you get signed up on the forums yet?
< long pause . . . . . . >
Miura Bull > I think he is eating fission chips
Thanks for reading. And thanks to all those who took part - whether willingly or not.