12 Oct 2012

Getting away with it

I enjoy a fight win or lose. I lose a lot of ships as I try to take fights I probably have no chance of winning on paper, but this doesn't bother me. We don't fight on paper and there is always that chance. I'd go as far as saying that I even enjoy looking over my own lossmails as much as browsing a good killmail. I find it difficult to get into the mindset of the risk-averse. I lose a ship, I buy or jump into another one. Simple.

Sometimes I must admit though that it is nice to warp out of a fight that you shouldn't have taken in the first place. This can give as much of a buzz as any successful 1v1 encounter.

I land smack bang on top of the Machariel, with scram cycling on my Taranis it is soon pinned down and going nowhere. His buddy in the Cerberus warps off immediately. Settling into a nice tight orbit I begin to pick off the drones which have started to sting at my interceptor.

With the first wave of drones out of the way I start to slam some hot antimatter slugs into the belly of the beastly Machariel.

Then suddenly ... ECM drones.

I quickly lock them up, web and blast them as quickly as I can before the jam strikes me, a daring race against the dice. I manage to remove three before I'm incapacitated. I remain calm, the Machariel not warping out.

A Dramiel lands on grid. As he burns towards me I lock him up and prime my web, scram and blasters.  I eat it alive in what seems like an instant. Podding him too for good measure.

I manage to lock the Machariel again as the Cerberus returns onto the field. More and more ECM drones are unleashed as my armor begins to dip to critical levels as the Cerb hits me hard. I decide to switch my attention to the Cerb in a desperate and last ditch attempt to even the field.

I spiral across the sky, dodging the attempts from the Machariel to hit me, knowing full well that a good hit could mean it is toast for the tiny Taranis. ECM drones are chasing me but failing in doing their job.

I'm now living in my structure hitpoints but only just. The merry dance with the devil on hot coals, the fabled Taranis structure holding fast, the last line of defence of the Gallentean Dream.

Structure levels are critical, smoke is heavy and this Cerb ain't dying. I smash open the warp drive and make my escape.



  1. I'm now living in my structure hitpoints but only just. The merry dance with the devil on hot coals, the fabled Taranis structure holding fast, the last line of defence of the Gallentean Dream.

    Gallente ships start tanking when they hit hull.

  2. "He who fights and runs away, may live to fight another day." ... ya big coward :P


  4. Haha. It was in MH on the way up to do the 2/10 roam path. The 1/10's are a bit more spread out, though I guess you could roam them in one go but it would be a damned long roam.
