24 Jan 2011

Jaguar 199

The Jaguar has an exceptionally powerful bite, even relative to other big cats. This allows it to pierce the shells of armoured reptiles and to employ a rather unusual killing method: it bites directly through the skull of prey between the ears to deliver a fatal bite to the brain.

As of writing, this rather mirthful looking Thorax became kill number 199 whilst at the controls of the Jaguar assault frigate, by far the most piloted ship in my arsenal. I'm hoping that kill number 200 might be something a little more challenging, but whatever pops up on the overview next time I'm prowling the space-lanes in my big cat I sure won't deny her the feed.

In other news, just about to go hit the showers and then onto the station's bar district after standing down from a neat shield battlecruiser fleet in which there were plenty of kills on the roam: in particular this engagement standing out as the best.

I am really enjoying my new surroundings here in Molden Heath, it is great for solo roaming, as a base for roams further down the pipe, has good access to populated null-sec and is excellent for roving bc gangs and bigger, should you wish.

Here's hoping for more of the same in the near future.



  1. That shield gang was chaos, and pretty typical of how gangs play out around MH. The only thing it lacked was disco.

  2. You've had better luck in the Jaguar than I can honestly say I have, such a cool ship but I always overdo it when I fly them. I just feel a little too powerful...

  3. You should check out Alex Medvedov, that guy is an inspiration in his Jags - he eats Dramiels for breakfast. :) But yeah - they can have that kind of feeling, I've noticed that at times.

    Hehe - yeah Sard, moar disco.


  4. I am glad to find another Jaguar enthusiast Miura! It looks like i ll have to issue a proper permision for flying Jags in Molden Heath, otherwise it might prove to be risky;) Wish you plenty of kills in your Jag and remember 199, thats merely a begining!

  5. Awesome! Alex posting in my blog has made my day!

    Thanks for the good wishes and I do hope I can indeed qualify for the prestigious Molden Heath Jaguar Licence.

